
Showing posts from September, 2018


"एक आदमी मेले में गुब्बारे बेच कर गुज़र-बसर करता था। उसके पास लाल, नीले, पीले, हरे और इसके अलावा कई रंगों के गुब्बारे थे। जब उसकी बिक्री कम होने लगती तो वह हीलियम गैस से भरा एक गुब्बारा हवा में उड़ा देता। बच्चे जब उस उड़ते गुब्बारे को देखते, तो वैसा ही गुब्बारा पाने के लिए आतुर हो उठते। वे उसके पास गुब्बारे "खरीदने के लिए पहुँच जाते, और उस आदमी की बिक्री फिर बढ़ने लगती। उस आदमी की बिक्री जब भी घटती, वह उसे बढ़ाने के लिए गुब्बारे उड़ाने का यही तरीका अपनाता। एक दिन गुब्बारे वाले को महसूस हुआ कि कोई उसके जैकेट को खींच रहा है। उसने पलट कर देखा तो वहाँ एक बच्चा खड़ा था। बच्चे ने उससे पूछा, “अगर आप हवा में किसी काले गुब्बारे को छोड़ें, तो क्या वह भी उड़ेगा?” बच्चे के इस सवाल ने गुब्बारे वाले के मन को छू लिया। बच्चे की ओर मुड़ कर उसने जवाब दिया, “बेटे, गुब्बारा अपने रंग की वजह से नहीं, बल्कि उसके अंदर भरी चीज़ की वजह से उड़ता है।      "हमारी ज़िंदगी में भी यही उसूल लागू होता है। अहम चीज़ हमारी अंदरूनी शख़्सियत है। हमारी अदंरूनी शख़्सियत की वजह से हमारा जो नज़रिया बनता है, वही हमें ...


There was a sailor who worked on  the same boat for three years. One night he got drunk. This was the first time it ever happened. The captain recorded it in the log, "The sailor was drunk tonight." The sailor read it, and he knew this comment would affect his  career, so he went to the captain, apologized and asked the captain to add that it only happened once in three years which was the complete truth. The captain refused and  said, "What  I have written in the  log is the  truth." The next day it was the sailor's turn to fill in the log. He wrote, "The captain was sober tonight." The captain read the comment and asked the sailor to change or add to it explaining the complete truth because this implied that the captain was drunk every other night. The sailor told the captain that what he had written in the log was the truth. Both statements were true  but they conveyed misleading messages.              ...

Selective Listening

I heard about  a medical doctor who was invited as a guest speaker to address a group of alcoholics. He wanted to make a demonstration that would be powerful enough to make people realize that alcohol was injurious to their health. He had two containers, one with pure distilled water and one with pure alcohol. He put an earthworm into the distilled water and it swam  beautifully and came up to the top. He put another earthworm into the alcohol and it disintegrated in front of everyone's eyes. He wanted to prove that this was what alcohol did to the insides of our body. He asked the group what  the moral of the story was and one person from behind said, "If you drink alcohol you won't have worms in your stomach."                                              Was  that the message? Of course not. That was selective listening--we hear what we wan...

You get what you give

  There was a farmer who sold  a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if  he was getting a pound and he found that he was not. This angered him and he took the farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure. The farmer replied,  amour Honor, I am primitive. I don't have a proper measure, but I do have a scale." The judge asked, "Then how do you weigh the butter?" The farmer replied  "Your Honor,  long before the baker started buying butter from me, I have been buying a pound  loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings  the bread, I put it on  the  scale and give him  the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker." What is the moral of the story? We get back in life what we give to others. Same in our life we deserve to get only what we give to others . In this world nothing is free all is depend on what we give or what...


Tom Watson Sr. said, "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate." If you study history, you will find that all stories of success are also stories of great failures. But people don't see the failures. They only see one side of the picture and they say that person got lucky: "He must have been at the right place at the right time." Let me share someone's life history with you.  This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21 ; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a senatorial race at age 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47; lost a senatorial race at age 49; and was elected president of the United States at age 52.                                            ...


There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind in the world. That could walk on water . He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw this miracle. At the same time, he was very pleased that he could show off his new acquisition to his friends. He invited a friend to go duck hunting. After some time, they shot a few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. All day-long, the dog ran on water and kept fetching the birds. The owner was expecting a comment or a compliment about his amazing dog, but never got one. As they were returning home, he asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, "Yes, in fact, I did notice something unusual. Your dog can't swim." in this world all        


There is a story about a wealthy farmer who was once offered all the land he could walk on in a day, provided he came back by sundown to the point where he started. To get a new start, early the next morning the farmer started covering ground quickly because he wanted to get as much land as he could. Even though he was tired, he kept going all afternoon because he didn't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to gain more wealth.    Late in the afternoon he realized the condition he had to fulfill to get the land was to get back to the starting point by sundown. His greed had gotten him far enough. He started his return journey, keeping an eye on how close he was to sundown. The closer it got to sundown, the faster he ran. He was exhausted, out of breath and pushed himself beyond the point of endurance. He collapsed upon reaching the starting point and died. He did make it before sundown. He was buried and all the land he needed was a small plot.   ...
As a young Scots boy, Andrew Carnegie came to America and started doing odd jobs. He ended up as one of the largest steel manufacturers in the United States. At one time he had 43 millionaires working for him. Several decades ago, a million dollars used to be a lot of money; even today it is a lot of money. Someone asked Mr. Carnegie how he dealt with people? Andrew Carnegie replied, "Dealing with people is like digging gold: When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don't go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold."

Mistakes Are The Best Teachers

People who do not learn lessons from history are doomed. Failure is a teacher if we have the right attitude. Failure is a detour, not a dead end. It is a delay, not a defeat. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes. Some people live and learn, and some only live. Wise people learn from their mistakes wiser people learn from other people's mistakes. Our lives are not long enough to learn only from our own mistakes.
Faith without action is delusion. Faith does not wait for miracles but produces them. If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ...

No Free Lunch

There is a story about a king who called his advisers and asked them to write down the wisdom of the ages so that he could pass it on to future generations. After a lot of work, the advisers came up with several volumes of wisdom and presented them to the king. The king called his advisers and said that it was too long, people would not read it. They had to condense it. The advisers went back to work and came back with one volume. The king said the same thing. They came back again with one chapter and then one page, and the king said the same thing still until they came up with one sentence that satisfied the king. He said that if there was one piece of wisdom that he wanted to pass on to future generations, it is this one sentence: "There is no free lunch."

Secret Of Success

A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, 'What did you want the most when you were there?" The boy replied, "Air." Socrates said, "That is the secret to success.                                         When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it." There is no other secret.
There was a fisherman who, every time he caught a big fish, would throw it back into the river, keeping only the smaller ones. A man watching this unusual behavior asked the fisherman why he was doing this. The fisherman replied, "Because I have a small frying pan." Most people never make it in life because they are carrying a small frying pan. That is limited thinking


I read a story of two brothers. One was a drug addict and a drunk who frequently beat up his family. The other one was a very successful businessman who was respected in society and had a wonderful family. Some people wanted to find out why two brothers from the same parents, brought up in the same environment, could be so different. The first one was asked, "How come you do what you do? You are a drug addict, a drunk, and you beat your family. What motivates you?" He said, "My father." They asked, "What about your father?" The reply was, "My father was a drug addict, a drunk and he beat his family. What do you expect me to be? That is what I am." They went to the brother who was doing everything right and asked him the same question. "How come you are doing everything right? What is your source of motivation?" And guess what he said? "My father. When I was a little boy, I used to see my dad drunk and doing all the wrong things. ...

Know Yourself

An eagle's egg was placed in the nest of a prairie chicken. The egg hatched and the little eagle grew up thinking it was a prairie chicken. The eagle did what the prairie chickens did. It scratched in the dirt for seeds. It clucked and cackled. It never flew more than a few feet because that is what the prairie chickens did. One day he saw an eagle flying gracefully and majestically in  the open sky. He asked the prairie chickens: "What is  that beautiful bird?" The chickens replied, "That is  an eagle.  He is an outstanding bird, but you cannot fly like him because you are just a prairie chicken." So the eagle never gave it a second thought, believing that to be the truth. He lived the life  of and died a prairie chicken, depriving himself of his heritage because of his lack of  vision. What a waste! He was born to win, but was conditioned to lose. The same thing is true of most people. The unfortunate part...

Monkey mentality

Monkey-hunters use a jar with an opening at the top, big enough for the monkey to slide its hand in. Inside the jar are nuts. The monkey grabs the nuts and now its hand becomes a fist.                              The monkey tries to get its hand out but the opening is big enough for the hand to slide in, but too small for the fist to come out. Now the monkey has a choice, either to let go off the nuts and be free forever or hang on to the nuts and get caught. Guess what it picks every time? You guessed it. He hangs on to the nuts and gets caught.
Start by doing what  is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.                          --St. Francis of Assisi

The Easier Way May Actually Be the Tougher Way

Once there was a lark singing in the forest. The lark stopped him and asked, "What do you have in the box and where are you going?" The farmer replied that he had worms and that he was going to the market to trade them for some feathers. The lark said, "I have many feathers. I will pluck one and give it to you and that will save me looking for worms." The farmer gave the worms to the lark and the lark plucked a feather and gave it in return. The next day the same thing happened and the day after and on and on until a day came that the lark had no more feathers. Now it couldn't fly and hunt for worms. It started looking ugly and stopped singing and very soon it died.       What is the moral of the story? The moral is quite clear what the lark thought was an easy way to get food turned out to be the tougher way after all. Isn't the same thing true in our lives? Many times we look for the easier way, which really ends up being the tougher way.
Remember, a person's character is not only judged by the company he or she keeps but also by the company he or she avoids.

Practice Makes Man Perfect

Fritz Kreisler, the great violinist, was once asked, "How do you play so well? Are you lucky?" He replied, "It is practice. If I don't practice for a month, the audience can tell the difference. If I don't practice for a week, my wife can tell the difference. If I don't practice for a day, I can tell the difference."

Sharpen your Axe

Jo John, a woodcutter, worked  for a company for five years but never got a raise. The company hired Bill and within a year he got a raise. This caused resentment in John and he went  to his boss to talk about it. The boss said, "You are still cutting the same number of trees you were cutting five years ago. We are a result-oriented company and would be happy to give you a raise if your productivity goes up." John went back, started hitting  harder and putting in longer hours but he still wasn't able to cut more trees. He went back to his boss and told him his dilemma. The boss told John to go talk to Bill. "Maybe  there is something Bill knows that you and l don't." John asked Bill how he managed to cut more trees. Bill answered, "After every tree l cut, l take a break for two minutes and sharpen my axe. When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" This question hit home like a bullet and John got his answer. My question is,  when was the la...

Use Your Judgement

There is a story about a man  who sold hot dogs by the roadside. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers . He was hard of hearing, so he  never listened to the radio. His eyes were weak, so he  never watched television. But enthusiastically, he sold lots of hot dogs. His sales and profit went up. He ordered  more meat and got  himself a bigger and a better stove. As  his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his father. Then something strange happened. The son asked, "Dad, aren't you aware of the great recession that is coming our way?" The father replied, "No, but tell me  about it." The son said, "The international situation  is terrible. The domestic is even worse. We should be prepared for the coming bad time." The man thought that since his son had been to college, read the papers, and  listened to the radio, he ought to know and his advice  should not be taken lightly. So the next d...
Life is like a cafeteria. You take' your tray, select your food and pay at the other end. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. In a cafeteria, if you wait for people to serve you, you will wait forever. Life is like that too. You make choices and pay the price.

Quality And Quantity

Supposing you went to the best restaurant in town where they gave you white-glove service with cutlery from England, crockery from France, chocolates from Switzerland, and on and on. You picked up the gold plated menu and ordered a dish of barbecued chicken. The waiter within minutes brought back a small cube of the most deliciously prepared chicken. You ate it and asked, "Is that all I am going to get?" The waiter replied, "It is not the quantity but the quality that matters." You said that you are still hungry and he gave you the same reply. I hope the message is clear. Our families need both, quality and quantity.
Life is hard by the yard, but by the inch, it's a cinch.                                                                                -Gean Gordon
खुली छतो के दिये कब के बुझ गए होते , कोई तो है जो इन हवाओ के पर कुतर देता हैं।